Product Testing // 

Can THE truckvault
Take The HEAT?

See just how far TruckVault is willing to go for product testing.

It’s a common question posed by TruckVault customers. Yes, based on our product testing. However, it must be stated that TruckVault units do not have an official fireproof rating.
We recently had the privilege of participating in a Day Creek Fire Department training session. TruckVault supplied a Dodge Durango, fondly named The Durangatang, complete with a TruckVault unit for the department to burn in a controlled setting. Check out the video below to see these professionals in action, and how the TruckVault fared in the end.
Day Creek Fire Department put on quite a show. It was cool and wet out, around 52°F and 5:00 PM, when the event started. TruckVault’s team loaded the drawer with gear including a police vest, ammo magazines, and TruckVault Marketing Director’s work laptop, a MacBook Pro. We also added an HTP.xw  Sensor to wirelessly record the internal temperature of the drawer throughout the burn.
Lights on, cameras out, and with a spark The Durangatang was ablaze! The heat was felt by our team from 50 feet away. Our drone was in the air, reporting to our Drone Responder command center, recording external temperatures, and relaying dramatic thermal imaging of the flaming SUV.
Overall, our scheduled burn for the product test lasted 15 minutes from being lit to being extinguished. The National FEMS goal for arriving at structural fires like this one is 9 minutes and 20 seconds. During that time, external temperatures rose to 1050°F while the peak internal temperature of the drawer measured a comfortable 71°F. At minute 6 of our test, The Durangatang was ignited, and firefighters began their work at minute 19. This accounts for the national goal arrival time and on-scene response time. By minute 21 our team was cleared to the vehicle and open the drawer.








All-Weather SERIES 



graph of temperature over time during TruckVault burn test



Items inside were cool to the touch, and after much nail-biting on our Marketing Director’s behalf, the MacBook Pro in the drawer turned on and worked as normal. This is a true testament to the quality of TruckVault and the craftsmanship of the hands who design and build them.


As our crew was packing to leave, the team was quickly ushered away from The Durangatang which spontaneously reignited (see minutes 23-61 on the graph). Our sensor stayed online during this time and firefighters continued their work on the vehicle. While the MacBook Pro was not inside the drawer at this time, all other gear, including the ammo magazines, were at the mercy of the TruckVault’s integrity. Surprisingly, upon re-approach to the vehicle, all items remained intact and cool to the touch.
The Durangatang will live on in TruckVault history. Not just as ashes and charred framing, but as a testament to how extreme our team is willing to push product testing for the sake and safety of our customers.
Ross with burnt Durango and TruckVault and working Macbook Pro